


Monthly Magazine 202310 | Self-consistent!

👀What I've Seen#

Re-watched "Parasite"#

There were too many things happening on a rainy night in the climax of the film, which created a lot of conflicts and was not good for the heart 😣. It's not my favorite movie.

Korean drama "Death Vote for All"#

The first few episodes were okay, but the seventh episode went downhill a bit. The female lead's acting didn't improve at all, and the acting of the other actors, except for a few veteran actors, was also disappointing. I only watched it because I was in a drama drought. Hopefully, the next six episodes will be better.

Articles I Like#

😍What I've Bought#

  • GCS Pop Eye Mask Pillow: The quality is not very good. It broke after I took it to Beijing.


  • Beloved 15 Pro No more! This should be the last time I buy an Apple product. The quality control is very poor. The back panel cut my hand, it lags and heats up, the touchscreen occasionally malfunctions when unlocking, and the screen has color deviation. I went to the store over the weekend to have it checked, and it's really tiring.

❓Will This World Get Better?#

It's a story about a post-00s generation being reorganized in the workplace. A former colleague who just graduated felt that the salary for becoming a regular employee was lower than expected, so they bargained twice. The boss got a bit angry and gave them a breach of contract fee, and they didn't want it anymore. It's been almost half a year and they still haven't found a job, so they went home to prepare for a teaching qualification exam. This former colleague was trained with a loan of 18,000 yuan, but before they could repay the loan, they left without entering the industry. It's really lamentable. On the bright side, coding is no longer a job that can be done after a few days of training, so fewer newcomers are entering the field. Maybe when we're 35, we won't have to find employment anymore. Of course, it's also possible that in a few years, AI will replace us and we can retire early.

I received a notification on Maimai that highly matched my previous company and recommended me to apply. It felt like going through a breakup again. I am still the person my previous company cultivated. How could I not be a good match? I joined the company right after graduating, and everyone was so nice that my social skills were very poor. Now, in the new company, I have to play the role of an adult, and I'm still not used to dealing with colleagues who act like fathers. /laughs

When I was watching "Bouquet-like Love," I felt like the male lead, becoming uninteresting in a boring job. Meanwhile, Lao Wen is happily working as a planner in a game company that he likes. He can do what he loves during work and commute. I can't help but worry that one day we might break up because our pace doesn't match. Now, Lao Wen is working 996, and everyone has become uninteresting.

The news about my hometown going viral on social media made me realize even more deeply that my hometown is more backward than I imagined. Maybe the people who criticized it have never seen the market traders in the neighborhood who always take advantage of small opportunities. Even though the cause of the incident was indeed someone spreading false information, leading to people scrambling for goods, no one cares. You're just a thief. Another friend also experienced something similar. They used a second-hand image without permission in a video and when the original artist modified it and explained, their fans launched an online attack. Even if screenshots were brought up, they pretended not to see them. You're just a thief. People cannot understand each other. This article on Chule is probably what I want to say Chule Night Talk: Understanding is Useless - Chule.

I don't have many friends, so I care a lot about them. Previously, a friend came to Shanghai on a business trip. I thought our relationship was pretty good, so I arranged to eat and drink together. But this friend, who has already bought a house in Shenzhen, didn't hold back at all. Before leaving, he even hinted that I should call a car for him. Who made me understand hints so well? It's okay, I made arrangements. Now you're on my blacklist 🤬. A few days ago, another friend came to Shanghai. Because there were other people I wasn't very familiar with, I didn't mention treating him to a meal. He just graduated from graduate school and only earns a little over 3,000 yuan a month. But he still thought that as a girl, I wanted to pay more. In the end, we split the bill, and that's what friends are for. It's okay to offer, but it's not appropriate to ask.

Speaking of this friend again, when we talked about my dream of building a world where everyone is happy, he laughed at me mercilessly. It's not that funny...

Because I am a person who is highly consistent in words and actions, I have to make some changes to achieve a relatively better world. For example, I will try not to argue with others when our views differ, maintain an attitude of seeking truth and being humble, and be kind to others without causing them unhappiness, and so on... It's not easy to suddenly transform from an angry youth to a refined person 😄.

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