


Monthly Magazine 202311 | Making Progress

🏖️What I've Watched#

🎬"Dr. Caligari's Cabin," "The Bride of Frankenstein," "Sissi," "Andalusian Dog"#

I chose some classic cult films as an introduction. "Andalusian Dog" is too surrealistic, and I don't want to dwell on what it's about anymore. I quite liked "Dr. Caligari's Cabin." As a film from 1920, it still holds artistic value today, thanks to its unique set design and color scheme.

🎬"The Killer"#

Although it is the precursor of multi-narrative and film noir, as an early work by the master, there are still some parts that are not quite proficiently handled. But to achieve this level in his first film, the master is truly amazing.

🎬"Death Penalty Referendum"#

Finally, the grand finale. I watched a pile of tear-jerking crap. Although it was terrible, my tears are still worthless. Sigh.

📖"The Courage to Be Happy: The Philosophy Class of 'Father of Self-Help' Adler"#

Do Japanese people like to give their books such cheesy titles? The format of the book, with dialogues between a young person and a master, is also quite cheesy. However, I do agree with some of Adler's viewpoints, such as his early realization that when I talk about hoping for human happiness, it is actually a compensation for my own unhappiness, a form of self-satisfaction, which is also mentioned in the book. But, just like how I consider myself a dreamer, his theories are also too idealistic, not considering the practical difficulties in implementation, and some of his other viewpoints seem a bit sanctimonious. I think I've read Adler's "Inferiority and Superiority" before. How should I put it? If you don't agree with his theory of inferiority, then you must be inferior, and he has hit the nail on the head. Truly flawless.

🎮Hollow Knight#

Hollow Knight is so much fun. It's hard to imagine that this game was made by just three people in three years. It must have taken a lot of experience to create such a complete world, with rich and interconnected maps, a strong sense of exploration, excellent art, excellent music, and most importantly, the controls feel very smooth, even someone as clumsy as me can play it smoothly. And I'm sure the code must have been written very elegantly. ┭┮﹏┭┮ It's really great. But it's just too difficult. After completing all the maps, I can't even find a trace of Radiance in front of the White Palace. Ah, it's not that I don't want to save this kingdom, it's just that I can't do it.



🙌Thanks to the Great Creator#

  • The orthopedic master saved my tilted pelvis, and now I can finally walk in a straight line.

  • Whenever I'm at work, browsing RSS feeds and slacking off, I always silently chant, "RSS, the light of humanity" 😭.

  • I've migrated from OB to Notion. OB is cool, but it's not user-friendly on mobile. Notion is clean and nice once set up. You can check out this diary of my experimentation with the P.A.R.A system based on Notion. I used to think that data had to be stored locally, but now I suddenly realize that my old notes are worthless. Let them go.

  • I went to a live performance by Zuo Xiao Zuzhou. Before going, I heard that his live performances were quite dull, and seeing it in person confirmed that. The live version of the intro was quite exciting, but the atmosphere never really warmed up until the end. It seems that the fans, along with Zuo Xiao, were not in high spirits. Zuo Xiao, who had lost confidence, came back on stage, sang a random song, and left. There was no interaction throughout the whole performance. Someone shouted that Bi Ge was awesome, and if Li Zhi knew, he would probably be happy, but we don't know if Zuo Xiao is happy or not. I went to the live performance because I've always been indifferent to live shows, but I've never actually been to one. Why should I come to such an unfair conclusion about live performances without experiencing them myself? So I chose an artist I somewhat liked to give it a try, and the conclusion is that I'm really indifferent. After all, listening to music is a personal thing, and I don't have a need to headbang in a crowd while throwing up the metal sign. I'm pleased with this self-consistent conclusion. What's difficult to accept is that I threw money three times during the performance, and before I could even think about whether it was money or not, it was swiftly taken down from the air by a fan who was tall and quick-fingered. 😡 What does this mean? It means that being tall is really useful.

  • A certain UP's obsession with money is too unsightly. I spontaneously created a group and made a popular science video to save some people who still have their sanity. I also discovered that making videos is not as difficult as I imagined. I might try video editing more, it's quite interesting.

  • I bought a Xiaomi smart band to play with. I managed to stick to a routine of going to bed and waking up early for less than a week, but now I'm back to my hopeless days. Oh well, I'll try to at least go to bed a little earlier. I shouldn't set my expectations too high for myself.

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