


Monthly Issue 2309 | A Little Busy

What I've Watched#


  • Little Red Riding Hood Encounters a Corpse: A bit more bizarre than expected, but luckily there are many beautiful girls.
  • Full Metal Shell: The plot is somewhat disjointed between the first half and the second half, feels like telling two stories, as always, an anti-war theme, quite average.
  • Ocean's Eleven: Truly the work of a master, with so many details, another five-star movie for me.
  • O'Brienheimer: The first time I watched such a tiring movie in the cinema, too many scientists appeared, and being face-blind, I couldn't match them at all. Nolan changed quite a bit of historical facts, not quite to my liking.


  • Disillusionment Season 5: After waiting for so long, it eventually fell into the mainstream theme of love and peace, ended quite poorly, although there were reasons for Netflix to cut it off. In reality, the rhythm was already off in the fourth season, a bit of a pity.
  • Rick and Morty Season 11: The first episode couldn't hide the fact that after ten years, they came back to reap the rewards. The plot is boring, mocking this and that, but we still love to watch it 😭.


  • The Art of Thinking: A reference book that can be taken out for online debates.
  • Cult Movies: A Subcultural History: Reference book.
  • Modern Cryptography Tutorial: A decent teaching book.


  • Work has been relatively idle, so I have resumed the high-intensity use of feedly and obsidian, added functionality based on docsify for publishing to support online viewing of notes.
  • I have been using Teambition as my personal media library, the free version allows adding three fields to cards, and you can switch between board and list views, which suits my needs very well; however, recently, it has become increasingly unattractive, with many basic functions being incorporated into the subscription version, so I have to consider migrating to other software.
  • I have started learning Go again, I really can't understand Rust 😭.


  • Another very busy month, working for a long time without the confidence I had just after graduation, which may also be due to the overall environment. After staying in Shanghai for a long time, I slowly started to feel a bit of a daily routine, and trivial matters have increased. On the first weekend, I went to Baijing to visit Jing ✌, the second week I helped my sister move to university, and then I met friends and saw a doctor. In short, there is no weekend where I can rest properly 🆘.
  • This month, I was pleasantly surprised to find a small black cat that was being raised by someone else. As someone who has always wanted a black cat, I happily brought the little black cat home. Unfortunately, the kitten was too lively, and in the middle of the night, it tried to jump on the bed, failed, and accidentally scratched my leg, causing it to bleed. After some investigation, I firmly believed that the kitten most likely did not carry the rabies virus. For the sake of avoiding unnecessary injections, I did not get vaccinated. The good news is that I am still alive, but the bad news is that my already rheumatic immune system is too weak and unfortunately, I contracted cat scratch fever, with symptoms of extremely itchy skin, joint pain, and a strange feeling. It's really annoying, even though the little black cat didn't mean any harm, I had to send it back.
  • Bought the 15 Pro, so excited 😄.
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