


Monthly Magazine 202312 | New Entertainment

What I've Watched#

Dance Drama "Confucius"#

After discovering the official shooting, I caught up on Confucius. The group dance part was quite good, but compared to "Li Bai" and others, I found that the choreography structure was similar, and the movements were not particularly outstanding. I might go to the scene again if I have the chance.

Alfred Hitchcock's "The Trouble with Harry"#

A rare funny work, classic white man with nonsense lines, the seriousness of the lines is so funny, the ending twists and turns, fortunately the ending is quite satisfying...?

"Philosophy is Made"#

I watched half of it, which is relatively simple and friendly for beginners in philosophy. The author patiently teaches philosophical thinking, with clear logic, a pretty good book.

Random Thoughts#

Originally wanted to do an annual summary, but unexpectedly in 2023, there weren't many regrets. Each day is quite fulfilling, so there's no need to waste time reminiscing. Just a simple backup of December.

In the November issue, it was mentioned that I made a debunking video on B station, which attracted some attention, and through this, I met many interesting people and experienced many fun and dramatic events. Then I got hooked, so this month I was completely immersed in writing scripts, exposing the truth, learning to make videos, and have already done more than 20 episodes. Looking back, the first episode was very rough and crude, but so what? As long as my ideas are conveyed, it's fine. Being brave enough to try is always better than finishing a PR tutorial before starting, just do it.

Before, no matter how I cooked, it didn't taste good. During the epidemic, the soy sauce provided by the neighborhood committee expired, so I bought a premium soy sauce, and suddenly the dishes became delicious. Finally solved the mystery, the reason behind it is heartwarming.

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